Year 2023 took a bow a short while ago, ushering in a new year, 2024. It is a golden opportunity for us as a people, to take another golden step in our natural but very demanding course of rejigging our strides for our individual and communal advancement.
As I wish us a prosperous new year, permit me to charge us to reinvigorate our commitment to our oneness and the pursuit of our desperate desire for development, in order to chart and sustain the course for our development, so that our Constituency could close ranks with and even be placed at par with other constituencies that are glaringly far ahead of us.
My wish for us is that we allow peace, love, and brotherhood to reign in our Constituency, in order to provide the desired wholesome climate for our meaningful progress.
Let me conclude by restating my total commitment to providing effective representation that shall attract abundant dividends of democracy to our Constituency. I am confident that with your continued prayers and support, we shall overcome all our developmental tasks.