Dear Agba Jalingo,
As I reminisce on your birth, upbringing and existence, I’m yet to come to terms with the tact, uniqueness and exceptional consideration God displayed in your creation.
Each time I reflect on your intelligence which spans through all human endeavors, I’m tempted to think that God exhibited a sense of bias during your creation.
However, what is very amazing and interesting about this intelligence is the fact that you deploy same for the services of humanity.
Each time I’m privileged to have a conversation with you, I learn a lot, for every discussion you initiate, you definitely espouse our thought process to emerging realities within the context.
The rapid and steady growth of social media advocacy in Cross River State, to demand for effective leadership at all strata of our human endeavors is solely your initiative. This however has placed the state as the second most social media active state in the country with Lagos state being the first.
Your resilience and dogged disposition to holding leaders accountable has been very rewarding. Majority of those who come to social media to attack you, celebrate you secretly for fear of the unknown.
I have been privileged to watch a video that you joined a protest in 1998 during the military era, demanding for good governance and the return to democracy. Your activism has come a long way.
I celebrate you because of your resolve to deploy your God given intelligence and wisdom as well as your talents to advocate for good leadership and to the services of humanity.
You’ve been locked up severally, but at no time have you committed any crime but on account of speaking truth to authorities.
You were declared prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International. You won so many Awards and got multiple recognition.
I don’t expect you to be a perfect person, for there is none of us on account of our existence was created to be perfect, you also have your short comings due to your human frailty.
I want you to note that even Jesus who died for our salvation was never liked and celebrated by all and sundry, in fact he was accused of blasphemy.
The same people that Jesus healed, performed different miracles for, were the same people who shouted “crucify him”
The path you’re toeing has a price tag. But I know you’re prepared for whatever the outcome could be.
You’re humble but very bold, you’re a happy even at your worst moments.
Your smiles edifies the soul and reassures victory.
You bear no grudge, you seemed not to have any enemy. What remains my dilemma is the fact that you know no brother or friend when the person does what you perceived to be the wrong thing.
The many things that you do that I consider inappropriate or wrong, I have and will continue to excuse you because I have my own flows too, and I have learnt not to be judgemental or condemn anyone.
Your respect for me when I hold a contrary view from yours and the tact with which you communicate your decisions without hurting me or outrightly dismissing me remains a mystery to me.
You gave me the approval to start ‘The Lumine News’ and today we are growing by the day. The skills you taught us have rightly deployed here and we hope to get better by the day.
On this auspicious day of your birth anniversary, let me charge you to reflect, retrospect and adopt the best form approach in your advocacy for good governance, while I wish you God unending grace, support, forbearance, patient, love and protection as you toe the path you’ve chosen.
Be rest rest assured of my goodwill and that of the management of ‘The Lumine News’ as our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Once Again, happy birth anniversary to you!
By Elijah Ugani