Sometimes There Are Situations In Life That Only The Mountain Top Can Provide Answers BY PETER OBELE


Sometimes there are situations in life that only the mountain top can provide answers. Both Abraham and Jesus went to the mountain top and their lives were never the same again. Jesus, with Peter, James, and John went to the mountain top to pray and the whole heavenly court was on the side of Jesus. They heard the voice of the invisible God saying, “This is my chosen Son: listen to him.” (Luke 9:35). Abraham was able to receive the blessing of being the father of all nations because he was willing to go to the mountain top (Gen. 12:1-4). Moses encountered God on the mountain, and so did Elijah. By mountain top, we are referring to that changing experience of prayer in your life that leaves you a completely different person.

In life, we sometimes experience absurdities that fill our minds with doubts; situations that could lead us to give up the faith and at times like that we ask, “Where is God?”. For example, the just concluded election results in Nigeria left many wondering whether or not God is still in control. For some, it was nothing short of subvertion of justice that could lead to crisis. But let the will of God be done. At other times, we face crises such as terminal illnesses, breakdown of marital relationships, discord between friends and family members etc. At times like this, we feel like the whole world is collapsing right under our noses. It is precisely at times luke this we need to go up the mountain top of our prayer lives and ask God to help us see things from his own point of view

By the time God grants us such a glimpse of his divine guidance, we will realize that all our troubles in this life are short-lived and in Gods time everything will fall into place. Then, we would have the courage to accept the apparently meaningless situations of this life, knowing well that through it all, God is not only in control, but he is on our side. All it takes is a little glimpse of heaven, to empower us to take up our crosses and follow. Find time during this lenten season to go to the mountain top. Try a programme of prayer this lent and life will never be the same again.


Development Consultant, Writer, Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, Public/ Motivational Speaker, Public Affairs Analyst/Commentator, Social Mobilizer of high repute.

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