Two Pillars: A Lot Of Good Can Be Achieved If Leaders Work Together To Build Up Community, The Church And Society In Spite Of The Differences BY FR PETER OBELE ABUE


Two people (Pillars) with totally different upbringing and character patterns. One a cradle Christian with official authority and power of the keys to bind and loose (Matt. 16:19). The other a convert and former persecutor of the church turned apostle of pagans (Acts 22: 3-16). Both died a martyr’s death and today are revered as the two main pillars of the church.

Why are they remembered together? Because both combined their efforts to lead the early church irrespective of their differences. No one put down the other. Both put aside any fear or suspicion of each other to champion the cause of leading the early church to maturity.

A lot of good can be achieved if leaders work together to build up community, the church and society in spite of their differences. The problem is often that we see differences more than similarities in one another and so don’t make much progress.

Today, whole communities have launched themselves into irrepressible blunders because of bad leadership that arose first and foremost from the inability of leaders to see themselves as brothers in the struggle.

Why do you castigate your colleague who can contribute to the system because in your mind he does not belong to the inner class, he does not possess the mandate like you do, he was not there from the beginning when you formed the party. You are afraid your colleague will wield so much power if you let him in and so you are ready to malign him so only you will appear relevant. You are very well misled because your own time will soon expire. If Peter and Paul feared each other that much they would not been the pillars we are celebrating today.

The greatest problem and most dominant emotion of leaders today is fear. Fear has a tendency to imprison us. Fear stops most people from doing something incredible with their lives than lack of ability, contacts, resources, or any other single variable. Fear paralyses the human spirit and because of fear, when talented leaders sometimes do emerge, we we make their paths almost impossible.

For the Christian, part of your witness is never to allow yourself be suppressed by another or feel inferior no matter the intimidation to the extent that you withhold your proclamation of truth. Be a pillar wherever you find yourself, remember that “it is not flesh and blood that has revealed this to you but Your heavenly father ” (Matt 16:17).


Development Consultant, Writer, Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, Public/ Motivational Speaker, Public Affairs Analyst/Commentator, Social Mobilizer of high repute.

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