For Christians, giving goes far beyond the letting go of possessions; we give our hearts too. Christian giving is both a spiritual gift and a discipline of discipleship to our Lord Jesus Christ. It becomes yet more rewarding when the purpose of giving is geared towards the evangelization of the kingdom of God amongst men. Christ’s words in Matthew 25:40 hits home: “whatever you did to one of these least brothers of mine, you did it to me. So do not grudge when you are asked to donate for any project in the church. It is an exercise in the ministry of giving.
Most people fear that giving of their prized possessions such as money, food, or other material things would deplete them of their resources. Others feel they have too little or even nothing to give. The good news is that everyone has something to offer, no matter how little for God did not create anyone empty. Do not feel bad when you give little in comparison to others, God looks at the heart of a cheerful giver not the size. Remember the widows mite and moreover, giving is not just about letting go of one’s treasured possessions; it is letting go of our heart ♥️ too.
Most people only give when they have a strong assurance of recompense. They only give when they are sure they will be rewarded either by being praised or something given to them in return. This makes it nearly impossible to give the needy who have very little to pay back what they are given. Do not excel in giving, only when your donation is made public. Remember what Jesus said about not seeking to publicize our good deeds, for we have already had our reward. The good news for Christians is that our giving is an investment that cannot be destroyed, for the more we give to the work of God, the more blessed we are.
We are told in 1 Corinthians 9:6-11 that; if we have given unto spiritual things, we shall reap of God’s kingdom. Christian giving is a management of God’s resources. The first thing we must know is that the money that is ours to manage is not ours, but God’s. Yes, we have been given it to use, but it remains His. We have it as a loan and in due course, we must give account to him of what we have done with it. Paul affirms this when he says that if we cannot see things differently as Christians, then we have not begun to live the Christian life (cf. Romans 6:3-4.8-11)
Where would you rather want to be a partner if not in the service of God? Many complain when asked to donate in churches for any cause. They equate their giving to a human enterprise thinking they are giving to human beings instead of God. The ministry of giving has many goals; spreading the gospel, sustaining the church, providing care for distressed individuals (as the rich woman in the first reading) or providing for church workers who use such gifts to enhance their apostolate and more. The ministry of giving in all its forms aims to advance the kingdom of God. “Whoever gives to these little ones shall not lose his reward”(Matt. 10:42).