There are those who came to us with opened arms and demand we give them all we have, for hunger has found refuge in their pouch and their soul is tormented with want of food. Some, with arms they approach residence and offices and loot what isn’t theirs and justify the terror. Not many has seen the boundary of raw rage in the absence of opportunity to earn, feed, cloth and shelter. As a country, the notion that the doctrine of survival is a textbook exercise and has no real bearing to human unpredictability as regards new danger or old terror is questionable and misleading. If there is one thing evolution taught earliest humans is that humans will feed on humans in the absence of alternative meal.
Cannibalism isn’t necessarily the societal construct of humans eating other human flesh and getting drunk in the blood and liquidates of fellow humans, rather it is the sociopathic manifestation and reminder that in the absence of shared affection and care, new terror and old danger abound. The epistemology which occupies the realm of thought and imposes the thinking that man can’t degenerate into confrontation, arm conflicts and eventual destructions of his own race has dominantly failed to capture war history into the bricks that lay the groundwork for such ahistorical conclusion. We call on all to proceed with caution and offer care when it’s truly needed, in such we survive self-destruction.
The Nigerian government should act with all urgency to end the looting of our sovereign wealth by its leadership, lest the public arms in the care of military and paramilitary institutions may fail them as they rest their protection on such. 340,000 police men and an equally rough population of all military forces combined may not prevent the keg of gunpowder which they have concluded won’t explode to explode. Make hay while the sun is seen for the N5Billion Presidential Yacht and N160million SUVs are exceeding the boundaries of the Nigerian patience and public anger. We condemn the brutalization of NLC President, Mr. Joe Ajaero.
Richard F Inoyo,
Country Director,
*Citizens’ Solution Network*