Freedom, Like Most Things In Life, Doesn’t Come By One-off Actions, It’s A Product Of Cumulative Consistency – Agba Jalingo

By Agba Jalingo

Whatever you want to be free from will never want to let go. I am sure you know.

Be it poverty, slavery, ignorance, pestilence, or bad governance. Their claws evoke identical pinch. You have to be consistent, cumulatively, over a period of time that isn’t in your control to ensure incremental progress. It’s a journey, not a destination. A baton a generation must hand to another and another.

See our black brethren in the US, over two hundred years, they have been marching and protesting against police brutality. They have become free yet still in chains. But they are still marching. Their old and young. Marching for more than 200years now. Just to have the police treat them right.

But we just started our own in the real sense. Our own oppressors will not give up. They will come back at us. Brutalize us more. Intimidate us. Instill fear. Try to break our ranks and will. But we must stand strong and determined.

We must keep our eyes on the long haul and train our will for a tortuous trek. I am referring to all of us. Not just the youth now. Every suffering peoples of Nigeria. Wherever we are.

Yours sincerely,
Citizen Agba Jalingo.


Development Consultant, Writer, Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, Public/ Motivational Speaker, Public Affairs Analyst/Commentator, Social Mobilizer of high repute.

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