Unrelenting in her bid to rid the institution of vices, the Management of the University of Calabar has announced the removal from office and suspension from duties of the acting Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Joseph Akpan.
According to a release signed by the University Registrar, Mr. Gabriel Egbe, the Vice Chancellor took the decision having received a report from the Senate Examination Misconduct Committee (SEMC) revealing the involvement of Dr. Joseph Akpan in the alteration of examination scores in PHM 311 (Introduction to General Antimicrobial Pharmacology).
The release reads in parts “…you altered 235 out of the 242 scripts marked by you. You also allotted marks to two students who did not participate in the examinations. You genuinely marked only five scripts without alteration. In your defense before the SEMC, you admitted that you inflated the scores of students in PHM 311 in order to “protect the image of the Department”.”
The release adds that Management considers Dr. Akpan’s defense as ridiculous and unacceptable.
Consequently, the University Management has directed that he should be relieved of his appointment as Head of Department and Coordinator of PHM 311, as well as suspended from duty with effect from October 8, 2024.
While Dr. Akpan’s official responsibilities are to be reassigned to other qualified lecturers in the department, he has been further directed to stay away from the University forthwith unless while responding to the invitation of the AFIC.
Public Relations Unit
University of Calabar