I will group the next set of reasons under a category I call “Qualification, Competence, Experience and Positioning”:
Legislating is serious business. It will, therefore, be immoral to vote for anyone to represent us in the Green Chambers who is not well schooled. Usibe ticked this box. With a Masters degree in Economics, he has the requisite learning to impact legislating in the House of Representatives.
His learning, both in school and in life, has impacted his personality. I will be voting for him because I consider him worthy in learning and character to represent us well in the Green Chambers; and most importantly to handle our complaints and criticism maturely.
Hon Mike Usibe is accessible and even tempered. He has been tested in this regard. You don’t want a representative who is inaccessible and is easily prone to anger. We don’t want someone who will go there and shut the people out. We don’t want someone who will come to us a lamb and then transform into a lion after the elections. We are tired of such politicians. We want someone we can talk to… And we can #TalkToMike
Hon Usibe’s experience as a Local Government Chairman will come in handy as a legislator. He has first hand knowledge of the abundant opportunities loaded at the grassroots that a well-timed, well crafted legislation will activate for our collective good. Though we have had good legislators without this experience, if I have my way, being a local government chairman should be a prerequisite for aspiring to be legislator.
Added to his experience as a Local Government Chairman, he has also served as a Commissioner. This is a plus.
Hon Usibe worked as an accountant and revenue officer in the state civil service where he rose to the directorate cadre, even winning an award as the best director, finance and supplies. Any one with such a rich work experience will bring it to impact on legislation.
Hon Usibe lives among us, in Ogoja/Yala. He is not a foreign politician who lives in Abuja, Lagos or even Calabar; who remembers us only when they need our votes. No. Usibe lives among us, knows us, we know him; he understands our strengths and weaknesses… And can truly represent us.
From my keen interactions with the aspirations of the candidates for Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency by-election, I see clearly that Hon Mike Usibe’s understanding of the task of representing us is: top notch legislation, attracting/influencing human and infrastructural development to his constituents.
A candidate with these “Qualification, Competence, Experience and Positioning” should represent us at the Green Chambers.
Keep a date with me as we discuss the other reasons.
Click link to REASON 1 – https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10161724406684408&id=725834407
suffragiumus, Usibe!
– By Firsts Baba Isa (FBI)